I'm sick right now. Actually, I'm finally starting to feel better, but Thursday, Friday and Saturday were pretty rough. While I'm with out a doubt ready to get back to work, I must say that as bad as I felt this weekend, I don't mind the time off to get better.
Back in my previous job, we didn't have sick days. With only one manager on duty at a time, if another manager called in sick, that meant that another manager would have to either work on their day off, or work a full day (about 14 hours). None of us, especially myself ever wanted to do that, so I developed "The Elixir". Simply put, this is designed to allow you to function, albeit in a slightly comatose state and make it through the day.
To make it, pour a full dose, or dose and a half if you're really feeling bad of NyQuil (or generic substitute) in a water bottle. Add a can of Red Bull, pouring it out over the dosage cup so that ALL the NyQuil is rinsed out. Finally, fill the remaining volume of the water bottle with Orange Juice. Because we live in the days of meth labs, NyQuil no longer has a decongestant in it. So, for the full effect, take a dose of Sudafed with your first sips.
Severe? Yes. Powerful? You bet! But when you have to work this is a great option. Actually, since this is designed to be consumed over 30 to 60 minutes, it creates a bit of a time release effect on the medication as well. I wouldn't recommend doing this often, but when you're sick as a dog and you have to work, it will help get you though the day.
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