Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fundraising Deadline is Friday Sept. 11th at 11:59 PM!

Greetings everyone!

Over the last few months, I've told you about the people and the reasons that have inspired me to undertake both this fundraising effort, and the ride itself. Now, I want to know, who would you like me to ride for. Email me at and tell me their story and if you have one, send me their picture as well. I will take those stories and pictures and put them on business card sized pieces of paper. Then, on the day of my ride, I will carry those cards with me for each of the 200 miles that I plan on riding. Each card will be a small yet significant reminder of the importance of organizations like the Lance Armstrong Foundation, The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults and hospitals like Johns Hopkins. After my ride, I will send those cards to you as my way of saying thank you. Thank you not only for your support, but for sharing their stories with me.

If you've already sent me a donation, just send me an email with the story and picture that you wish to share. If you haven't donated yet, just send me a separate email when you send in your donation. Speaking of donations, if you plan to donate but haven't yet, the deadline for your donation to count towards my fundraising goal is now less than 48 hours away. This means that you will need to donate on the 24 Hours of Booty website at And, I'm pleased to announce that thanks to the generosity of those of you who have already donated, I am very close to making goal.

Finally, if you're going to be in the Maryland area on September 26th and/or 27th, I invite you to join my pit crew for however much time you can spare. Better yet, go to the 24 Hours of Booty website at, once again, and sign up to volunteer so everyone can enjoy your presence.

As always, I thank you for your support.

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